Thursday, June 28, 2012

Shift Update

Our fearless leaders are asking that only one or two people come from each ward for Thursday night's shift. Friday night's shift has been CANCELED. Because of problems we've had with towing our float and getting it in and out of our workspace, we have withdrawn from the Taylorsville parade. We are still planning on participating in the Riverton parade as a test run.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Deseret News Article

A story from our float has been featured by Deseret News!

"I immediately recognized the opportunity to pray for the glitter and other supplies we needed to finish our float, but I was reluctant to pray about it. In my mind I was certain we weren’t getting the supplies. I figured we’d have to crush our dishes to make our float sparkle the way pioneer sisters did to give the early Kirtland Temple its luster."

Read the Full Article Here

Saturday, June 23, 2012

A walk around the Float


Here are some photos from Saturday, June 23rd:
Here is our progress as of today, June 23rd

Mary Butterfield's head is finished!

The sheep heads are ready for painting.  Volunteers?

Welding and assembling the sheep's bodies.

We finished up some large balls of yarn.

This sheep is hanging off the side to greet all the children :)

The sheep on the right will be rolling a wheel.

These sheep are having a stick pull.

Friday, June 22, 2012

The Float is Moving on Saturday

The float will be moving after Saturday's 8am-noon shift is finished.
The address for those assigned to help build the float will be 5541
Bagley Park Rd, West Jordan, UT 84081 starting next week.

        1. We need a volunteer to go to North Salt Lake area on Friday
anytime after 9am and pick up some float parts.  They will need a
mini-van with the seats removed or a large SUV with the seats down.
We need you to pick-up some Styrofoam parts for us from our provider.
In fact, we may want two people because we have several sheep heads,
some hands, and a large head that need to be picked up and brought to
the Bowen's home.  If you can help, please contact the Bowen's ASAP.
        2. Please see if you can get any artistic painters or constructors to
volunteer - we can have them start on Saturday.  We will have a couple
of cats and a couple of birds that are going to need to be painted
rather well.  And we need some help constructing our sheep.  We have
tried a few things, but so far the sheep  are not sturdy enough.
        3. We need some more light or lime green latex (indoor or outdoor)
paint if anyone has some they want to get rid of.  Please drop it by
the Bowen's home
        4. We need 3 people to assist during the three parades we are
participating in.  The Taylorsville parade is 30 June.  The Riverton
parade is on 3 July in the evening and the Salt Lake parade is 24 July
in the morning.  We need 2 people that will walk the parade at the
side of the float, and the other person will be assigned by the parade
to do something.

Please put these announcements in your bulletin:
        1. Our float will be #16 in the Taylorsville parade on 30 June.
        2. Our float is entry #88 in the Riverton Parade on 3 July - so, if
you are going, don't leave early.
        3. Please come to the Float Preview Party on 16 and 17 July at the
South Town Mall.  The public is welcome from 11am-9pm.  And, if you
like our float, then vote for us!
        4. The Salt Lake parade is the morning of 24 July.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Float at a glance

Here is a little bit more about the woman we are honoring on our float: 
Mary Jane Parker Butterfield

Marker from Herriman Cemetery
Mary Jane Parker Butterfield

Birth:Jan. 21, 1817, Parsonsfield, York County, Maine
Death:Jul. 21, 1901, Herriman, Salt Lake County. Utah (Buried in the Herriman Cemetery)

Married to Thomas Jefferson Butterfield, Founder of Herriman.

Did you know that Mary was a member of the First Relief Society in Nauvoo?

"Mary Jane Parker was born on January 21, 1817, in Parsonfield York County, Maine. She
is the daughter of Samuel and Hannah Edgecomb Parker. Mary Jane was slight of build,
just 5 feet tall, with black hair and bright, expressive eyes. She was taught early to work.
Mary Jane was 18 when she married Thomas Butterfield in Farmington, Maine. Soon
afterwards, they attended a meeting and heard the Prophet Joseph Smith tell of the
restored gospel. They were immediately converted and baptized by Thomas’ uncle,
Josiah Butterfield.

Life was difficult for the new couple. They experienced many hardships. Mary Jane was
faithful and courageous in taking care of their home and protecting her family. She
earned a living for her family for over a year when Thomas was sent on a mission.
Thomas was good with animals and was called upon to help the Saints move from Ohio
to Missouri, and then to Illinois. Mary Jane packed their belongings herself in a wagon
and drove the oxen. When living in Missouri, two men came to the Butterfield home
while Thomas was away, climbed on the house and knocked a hole in the roof, intending
to throw a burning faggot inside. With authority Mary Jane commanded them to leave.
The men never returned.

Soon after the first Relief Society was organized in Nauvoo, Mary Jane became a member. She helped the sick, made clothing, and knitted stockings for the men working on the temple. Many years later, Mary Jane recalled the experience of being part of that first Relief Society, “……(the sisters) should do a good work and be a great help to the Church. I was a member of the Society and enjoyed myself very much in meeting with the sisters.” (from the Herriman Historical Society Website)

Her Husband, Thomas, was the First to Live in the Area we call Herriman:

Thomas Butterfield
"In 1850 Thomas Butterfield was living in West Jordan. In the spring of 1851, while searching for fresh water and a place to raise their livestock and families, he and Samuel Egbert found a small stream of water flowing from a canyon. He later returned and further explored the area, then moved his family, sheep, cows, oxen, horses and bees to the site he had chosen. With the help of his family, he plowed a ditch, erected a cabin, planted crops and cut firewood to prepare for
the coming winter.

In the next few years the Thomas Butterfield family was joined by others. The area became known as the Butterfield Settlement. After Henry Harriman, Thomas Butterfield was called to be the second presiding authority of the area until he left on a mission to the Salmon River area in 1855. After coming home, he married his second wife, Mary Farmer. When the Young Men’s Improvement Association was formed in 1879, Thomas served as its first President.

Thomas Butterfield was a very industrious man. As the years went by, he added to the variety and amount of crops planted until the family produced most everything they needed or cared for. His herds grew large and prosperous. He was known for his generosity, always giving to those in need or less fortunate. He was a friend to the Native Americans in the area. He gave them food and a place to camp. "   (from the Herriman Historical Society Website)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

As of today the float is still in Herriman. I'll post here as soon as I hear that it has moved. Here are some photos from today:

It is so good to see some color! June 19

The quilt is floral sheeting glued to the burlap.

A large sheet of styrofoam was donated that will become huge yarn balls. Thanks!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The float will be moving soon to its new location in West Jordan.  Once moved we'll be working on some projects here and some there.  Coordinate with your ward float rep to know which work location we'll be working at each evening.

Here are some pictures from this week:
As of 6/12 - the screening is finished on the wheel

Parts from a bike were used to mechanize the spinning wheel.

6/16 the first color is added to the float.

Starting to lay out the quilt.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The tree that was built off site arrives.

Some YW on a service scavenger hunt stop-by to help.

The tree is installed.

Our progress as of Tuesday 6/4

Our progress as of Thursday 6/7

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Sign-up Sheets Going Around this Sunday!

Your ward reps should be passing around sign up sheets (or should be making assignments) this Sunday for the next three weeks. We are asking for each ward to provide 2 workers every night Tuesday-Friday 6:00 - 8:00pm, and Saturdays 8:00 - noon. Our goal is to have the float finished by the end of the month!

 Post your Pictures on our Facebook Group 

We'd love to see what you're doing to help with the float. Post your pictures to our facebook group. You can find a link to it on the right.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Dear Bishops and Float Committee Ward Representatives,

We are trying to clarify some confusion as to how the work assignments and ward assignments are being done.  We are not receiving the supplies that we need so it is difficult to make a time line for everyone.  So this is the time line for the rest of the week:


I realize that you may not be able to get someone here for Wednesday night June 6th, but the Grandview Ward Bishopric and others have already said that they would be here.  Anyone else is welcome.

Wednesday June 6, 2012:  6-8 p.m.
Thursday June 7, 2012: 6-8 p.m.
Friday June 8, 2012: 6-8 p.m.
Saturday June 9, 2012 8 a.m. - 12 noon

What we are doing is just assigning people when they get here what needs to be done and what we have supplies available for them to do.  We can not glitter the float until me move it inside.  We do have a building we can take it to anytime, but we are trying to get everything done here at our home first, so that there are as few as possible finishing trip to the other building.  It is about a 20 minute trip to the building. When we move this float we will than coordinate the work assignments and the times for those wards.

We had a great group here last night and we got a lot done.  It did not matter whose ward assignment it was we just worked. IT was a lot of fun.  With a group of at least 24 people here each night we can get so much done and when we are done we are done.

We appreciate all that you are doing in helping us get this float done.

We need mechanics who can check out the van under the base.  We need three walkers for the float.  They will be using walkie talkies to help the driver.  We need people who are good mechanically to help us do some animation on the float and we need people who are good with video.  We want to put a camera in the front of the float so that our driver can see what is in front of him.  If your ward has any of this type of talent please let us know.

Thanks again for all of your help and any one is welcome to come see the float!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

 New Concept Drawing

This concept drawing was done by Bro West's son from Placid Rose Ward (sorry I don't have his name)

Work Progressing

The welding on the spinning wheel has been finished and the wheel was placed on the float.  The burlap over the quilt was installed and work was started on the screening of the rocking chair.  Other wards are working on their assignments off site and hopefully we will get some updates and pictures from them.

A place has been found to work on the float and the float will be moved this week to our new work location in West Jordan.  I am told that it has electricity and bathrooms and is very nice.

Applying screen to the rocking chair

Positioning the spinning wheel

Welding a yarn basket

Covering the quilt frame with burlap.