Thursday, January 5, 2012

Your Ideas Needed!!

Welcome to the new Herriman South Stake Days of 47 Committee blog.  Here we will keep you updated on what we are doing on the float, and let you know what we need help with.  Building a float is a big job and we will need everyone's help. So let's get to work!

First we need an idea for our float. 

The Days of 47 theme for 2012 is "Pioneers - Building on the Dream"

Our float will be judged on these criteria: 
  1. Theme
  2. Asthetics
  3. Originality
  4. Craftsmanship
  5. Special Effects
 We would also like our float to have depth and motion, and the design must consider viewing on the left right and from the air.   Music/sound is optional.

We'd love to hear from you!  Please submit a drawing of your idea to any member of the committee, or respond to this blog post and I'll get you in contact with the big boss.    We need your ideas by January 12th!

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